STOP PRESS - Michelin Guide awards Reschio Hotel

We just know that you will be as thrilled as we are with the news that Reschio Hotel has received the highest accolade from the Michelin Guide: Three Keys. We are only one of eight hotels to be awarded such a recognition in Italy. To achieve the coveted Three Key distinction, which denotes “an extraordinary stay”, our service was obviously exemplary but more importantly Reschio’s core values were recognised as “embracing a way of life, an authentic lifestyle with design and the atmosphere of the hotel”. Over a period of time, three inspectors stayed in the hotel anonymously, to ensure that we excelled in all five criteria to receive the initial acknowledgement: excellence in architecture and interior design, quality and consistency of service, overall personality and character, value for the price, and a significant contribution to the community

We are only one of eight hotels to be awarded such a recognition in Italy. To achieve the coveted Three Key distinction, which denotes “an extraordinary stay”, our service was obviously exemplary but more importantly Reschio’s core values were recognised as “embracing a way of life, an authentic lifestyle with design and the atmosphere of the hotel”.

Over a period of time, three inspectors stayed in the hotel anonymously, to ensure that we excelled in all five criteria to receive the initial acknowledgement: excellence in architecture and interior design, quality and consistency of service, overall personality and character, value for the price, and a significant contribution to the community

Magazine Reschio

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STOP PRESS - Michelin Guide awards Reschio Hotel


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Reschio srl | capital social de 3.500.000,00 € entièrement libéré | Chambre de commerce de Perugia N°PG-287943
Lisciano Niccone - 06060 - Perugia - Italia | P.Iva n. 05230420480
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